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‘Life in and around the Maasai Mara’ charity art exhibition
to 12 Mar

‘Life in and around the Maasai Mara’ charity art exhibition

An exhibition of work to raise funds for Alton Maasai Girl’s School.

Opening Night Wednesday 19/02 18.00-20.00

A lockdown safari dream leading online art classes for children became a reality the following year when artist Panni Loh was invited to Kenya. Staying in a small camp next to the Maasai Mara she created sketches of people and animals that she’s created into watercolour and acrylic paintings for the ‘Life in and around the Maasai Mara’ exhibition. Visiting a Maasai village and school she was inspired to in some redress the balance and raise funds in the west to support Maasai girls into education collaborating with through selling paintings and greetings cards.

All are welcome to the exhibition opening on Wednesday February 19th at 6pm at the Arthouse main gallery when Panni Loh and Rimas Tankile Morris will also give a short talk. 

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Flight: Exhibition of Work by Susan Chisholm
to 26 Apr

Flight: Exhibition of Work by Susan Chisholm

Preview: 18.30-20.00 20/03

Mixed media artist Susan Chisholm will be showing her painted collages at the Art House this Spring alongside larger scale paintings on canvas.

Susan’s beautifully composed paintings combine an attention to detail portraying wildlife with abstract shapes, rendered with layers and textures and echoing the built environment.

‘My paintings contain many layers of collage and paint applied in various ways to create a finished artwork with depth, influenced by textures in the city- graffiti, flaking paint layers and old painted signs on walls.  I have picked up a fascination with nature from my children and my paintings express how nature can be found within the urban environment.’

Susan studied Visual Communication at Edinburgh College of Art and has exhibited her work in many Galleries in Sheffield and beyond. Susan will also be showing with Open Up Sheffield this year in May, and can be seen on the Open Up Sheffield website at

To RSVP for the preview or for further information please email

About Open Up Sheffield.

Open Up welcomes you to visit artists and makers in their studios showcasing their work over two weekends: Bank Holiday weekend 3rd/4th/5th/ May 2025 and 10th/11th May 2025. This annual event allows you to visit working studios, talk to the artists and makers and have the chance to buy original pieces of work. We include studios from a wide range of artforms including painters, ceramicists, printmakers, embroiderers, sculptors, jewellers and more. Find out about all the artists showing at

Free to visit from 3rd, 4th, 5th and 10th, 11th May
Opening hours 11am to 5pm

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to 25 Apr

‘Day One’ Art Exhibition

Support young people across our city to change things for the better by coming along and seeing our prints about climate justice.

Invite-Only Preview Thursday 10/04

Opens 10.00 Friday 11/04

“Every Movement Has a Day One—This Is Ours.”

What the exhibition is about
- Sheffield Young Residents working alongside the Youth Voice & Influence Service (Community Youth Services) & MyPockets
- To help people connect with one another and with climate change, to start conversations in communities and encourage people to take action.
- For young people’s views, experiences and solutions to feed into long term plans for tackling climate change in the city.
Creative work around climate change that makes people feel something

Who is involved
A group of 18 young residents aged 11 – 22 years old, have been working together for 12 months on this Climate Change Project. They have consulted with young residents from 20 Youth Clubs and Youth Voice Groups across Sheffield, to create 50 screenprints to showcase what Climate Change means to them.

More info on Youth Voice and Influence Service:
The Youth Voice and Influence Service are part of Community Youth Services at Sheffield City Council. They are made up of a team of professionally qualified youth and community workers with a passion for ensuring young residents voices in the city are heard.

By Youth Voice & Influence we mean listening to young people, valuing what we hear and acting upon it to make positive change.

We support and empower young people to shape, lead and produce their own activities and programmes and make sure the mechanisms are in place for young residents to be involved in decision making at all levels.

We run various youth voice groups in Sheffield that give young residents aged 11– 24 years a way to have their say and work on projects they are passionate about. If you’re interested in getting involved then please contact us via

Why the exhibition is happening
▪ To explore how climate relates to areas of everyone’s everyday life
▪ To display in a creative form young residents views on Climate Change, the impact it has on their lives and the solutions they would like to see in Sheffield to reduce the impact.
▪ To initiate conversations about Climate Change amongst children and young people, their friends, families, communities, and decision makers
▪ To demonstrate there are numerous ways to take action on Climate Change at all levels & encourage people to make changes; individuals, communities, elected representatives and decision makers.

What it hopes to achieve
▪ A changed mindset and to show how much young residents care about this planet.
▪ To share the power of society when we work together.
▪ To make people think about climate change in a different way than just “save the bees”.
▪ To make a positive change in our industrial and much-loved city of Sheffield
▪ For key people to hear Young Residents voices to influence change.

“I hope that the voice of youths in a place like Sheffield will be heard and that it will be taken seriously and properly by decision makers and politicians to actually make a change”

“I hope that people will learn the power of art and how much climate change affects our daily lives. I want to show that communication goes beyond words, and that different forms of expression can convey emotions, ideas, and experiences in powerful ways.”

“The thing that changes the climate change group is the fact that many people from many different backgrounds, all came together for the same reason, all did the same amount of work and hopefully all of us hope, for a same outcome of this project. Friendships and bonds have been made over this group and I think that makes it special for everyone”

“This project is very raw and shows the impact that all of us can have when we work together. Rather than being a perfect film or poster. This is a collection of emotion and collaboration, which will hopefully resonate with people more”

“I hope the project will teach people to be more aware of the world around them because so many of us think we are in a world made for ourselves when in reality the world is made for everyone and all forms of life”

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Tim Gomersall: Birds, buildings, and the banality of evil
to 7 Jun

Tim Gomersall: Birds, buildings, and the banality of evil

Opening Night 18.00-20.00 Thursday 01/05

The Art House is delighted to host Tim Gomersall’s debut solo exhibition, Birds, Buildings, and the Banality of Evil. This exhibition will host the largest selection of Gomersall’s work that has gone on public display to date, including some new pieces and intimate insights into his practice.

Tim Gomersall is inspired by his love of the townscapes and birds of the North, along with Gothic style and storytelling. His work reflects a balance between the real and the surrealism: Through drawing and colour, he attempts to capture what is felt, as well as what is seen. Visitors will be treated to a view of the world through this artist’s eccentric and fantastical eye, and can expect anarchic drawings, vibrant colours, and a good dose of Yorkhire humour.



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The Anderson Green Project Exhibition
to 15 Feb

The Anderson Green Project Exhibition

Opening Night 18.00-20.00 Friday 17/01

The Anderson-Green Project is a recovery community led by people with Lived Experience who eat together, support one-another, and make Art inspired by their unique stories.

Founded by the Art House Sheffield and supported by Carver Street Parish Nurses. Funded by Sheffield City Council.

Enjoy the many pieces or art and pottery made by community members.

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Christmas Fair
to 20 Dec

Christmas Fair

Curated show and bazaar of beautiful local handmade products

With a Visit from Father Christmas himself on Saturday 14/12


Opening Night 18.00-20.00 05/12

Monday - Friday 10.00-18.00

Saturday 09.30-16.30

Stall Holders confirmed so far:

Pat Owens
Woollen bags, purses, brooches and machine embroidered wall hangings of painted birds. 

Jessica Heywood
Delightful Cards and Art with a nature and animal theme.

Laura Mella
Stained Glass Sun-catchers and Ornaments.

Diana Storey
Mosaics and Sculptures.

Rebecca Brambila
Folk Art

Rachel Hardy
Recycled/Upcycled Jewellery.

Vivien Willatt
Handmade crafts, watercolours, gifts.

Harshita Ezil
Mixed Media Art

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Donna Lowson 'Whispers'
to 30 Nov

Donna Lowson 'Whispers'

Exploring Shadows, Unveiling Stories: The Art of Donna Lowson

Whispers invites viewers to engage with the unseen and overlooked. Through the intimate and unsettling medium of human hair, Donna Lowson explores the forces shaping our lives.

Drawing from her experiences as a working-class, late-diagnosed dyslexic, Lowson critically examines the tension between what society cherishes and discards. Her intricate sculptures, installations, and garments made from hair address issues of unpaid labour, gendered expectations, and the control of women's bodies. By transforming hair waste into delicate art, she questions who assigns value, when it is granted, and when it is lost.

Lowson connects historical struggles with contemporary ones, amplifying the untold stories of women's labor. Each piece invites viewers to reflect on their own role within these systems, fostering empathy for the often-overlooked narratives beneath the surface.

Artist Statement

Exploring shadows, unveiling essence, and connecting souls through the art of hair.

I create intricate forms using human hair, primarily sourced from salon waste. Whether free-standing or wall-hung, these pieces invite close inspection of their organic textures and delicate construction. Hair, an intimate and unsettling material with its fine strands and varied hues, becomes the focus of my exploration.

At the heart of my work, I explore shadows and the untold stories that linger beneath the surface. Each piece transforms discarded hair into something tactile and complex. Fibers are woven, spun, braided, or shaped into forms that evoke beauty and decay. What is revered as beautiful when attached to the body can quickly become repulsive when found in a plughole. This shift in perception fascinates me.

I hold back from using my family’s hair, revealing the deeply personal connection between hair, love, loss, and memory. This tension between what we cherish and discard becomes a central theme in my work. By transforming disgarded hair into art, I challenge viewers to question where we place value. What makes something precious, and when does it lose its worth? The discarded become significant, turning our ideas of identity, memory, and materiality on their heads.

My practice also revives Victorian hair art, a forgotten craft that once gave voice to women’s experiences. By bringing this lost tradition into contemporary conversation, I highlight hidden histories and offer a new lens to examine the past and the present. I aim to create connection in an increasingly divided world through my art. The stories we disregard, and the materials we discard become central to how I engage with the world. My work raises questions about the unseen forces shaping our lives, urging viewers to look deeper and connect with the untold. Hair transcends the individual, connecting us to collective experiences. Each piece invites viewers to reflect on the stories we often overlook and question what they see.


A collaboration with Open Up Sheffield

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Monster Mash Submissions Open
to 23 Nov

Monster Mash Submissions Open

Calling all Artists – Group Show – Monster Mash – Submit your Monster Creations

2D & 3D submissions welcomed. 2D no bigger than A1 / 3D no bigger than 1m square / 2D ready to hang (no mirror plates)

£19 per submission / Final submission date 19/10 / Art Drop off 20/10 & 21/10

Opening night 24/10 18.00-20.00

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‘Countering Rhetoric’ No Bounds Festival
to 13 Oct

‘Countering Rhetoric’ No Bounds Festival

As part of No Bounds Festival we will exhibit Countering Rhetoric, two new projects by Dr Austin Houldsworth.  

Countering Rhetoric

Artist: Dr. Austin Houldsworth

Open: Friday 11/10 – Sunday 13/10
Opening Night: Friday 11/10 18.00-20.30

Opening Times: FRI: 10.00-20.00, SAT: 10.00-16.30, SUN: 10.00-16.00

Artist talks: Sunday at 12.30

In 1860, a Lord stated ‘You must arrive at equality either by levelling down or by levelling up’. 164 years later ‘levelling’ (of any type) is still very much a work in progress. Similarly, the Trickle-Down rhetoric that influenced Margaret Thatcher’s government did little to help the longstanding levelling agenda. The exhibit ‘Countering Rhetoric’ attempts to address this disparity between promises and prosperity.  It includes two new projects from Dr Austin Houldsworth that critically investigate the political rhetoric of ‘Trickle-down economics’ and ‘Levelling up’ through the proposition of two interactive alternative wealth redistribution devices that turn rhetoric into reality. 

Part of a series of commissions entitled Entanglement, Commons and Cultural Mycelium  from curator and producer Amy Carter Gordon. Associate producer: Lauren McConnell. 

Dr. Austin Houldsworth: Biography

Dr. Austin Houldsworth (PhD, MA RCA Design Interactions) is an interdisciplinary design researcher with a focus on critical and speculative design. Currently working as a Lecturer in MA Design at Sheffield Hallam University, his research strives to leverage change through the application of design within unfamiliar disciplines. Examples of his work include redesigning monetary systems (‘For money's sake’ 2018), building prototype human fossilisation machines, creating the ‘Intergalactic Space Agency’ at the Eden Project and founding the ‘Future of Money’ design awards.

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Caroline Fisher ‘Memories of Summer’
to 23 Oct

Caroline Fisher ‘Memories of Summer’

About Caroline Fisher

I am an Experimental Painter and Printmaker who lives and works in Sheffield and trained at Sheffield Hallam in Fine Art and Printmaking.  I like to combine the two methods of working printing and painting to create interesting pieces that inspire me. I like the chance aspect you get when combining the two elements which is why I find it so interesting and the outcomes are never predictable. I work both big and small on wood and paper. I experiment using colour and pattern mainly painting nature and animals but have been known to paint portraits. I cut and print linoleum both alone and over my paintings which gives a great feel to my work and I create individual one off cards.  For the past 30 years I have taught Art  in Rotherham and I am passionate about education but feel really great about getting back to creating my own stuff again now I have more time. 



Works Exhibited

  1. Swallows.  80cmx88cm Acrylic Paint and Linoleum Print on Wood.  £850

  2.  Early Summer. P 52xcmx72cm Acrylic Paint and Linoleum Print on Wood. £500

  3.  Mid Summer. L 93cmx 83cm Acrylic Paint and Linoleum Print on Wood. £750

  4.  Summer. L 93cmx83cm  Acrylic Paint and Linoleum Print on Wood. £750

  5. Woodland Pale Green P 52xcmx72cm Acrylic Paint and Linoleum Print on Wood. £500

  6. Echinops & Centaurea and Nettle & Cleavers. L 52cmx42cm  Acrylic Paint on Wood. £180

  7. Cleavers & Loosestrife and Horsetail & Alchemilla. L 52cmx42cm  Acrylic Paint on Wood. £180

  8. Woodland 1. P 42cmx52cm Acrylic Paint on Wood. £140

  9. Woodland 2. P 42cmx52cm Acrylic Paint on Wood. £140

  10. Woodland 3. P 42cmx52cm Acrylic Paint on Wood. £140

  11. Animals 1. P 42cmx52cm Acrylic Paint and Linoleum Print on Wood. £170

  12. Animals 3. P 42cmx52cm Acrylic Paint and Linoleum Print on Wood. £170

  13. Solway Firth 1. P 32cmx42cm Acrylic Paint and Linoleum Print on Wood.  £150

  14. Solway Firth 2. P 32cmx42cm Acrylic Paint and Linoleum Print on Wood.  £150

  15. Abstract 1. P 42cmx52cm Linoleum Print on Cotton Rag Paper. £50

  16. Abstract 2. P 42cmx52cm Linoleum Print on Cotton Rag Paper. £50

  17. Abstract 3. P 42cmx52cm Linoleum Print on Cotton Rag Paper. £50

  18. Curlew Birds Green. S 25cmx25cm Acrylic Paint and Linoleum Print on Wood. £40

  19. Curlew Birds Green. S 25cmx25cm Acrylic Paint and Linoleum Print on Wood. £40

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Open Studio Members Exhibition Opening Night

Open Studio Members Exhibition Opening Night

The Art House Pottery ‘Open Studio Members’

The Art House Pottery ‘Open Studio Members’ are exhibiting the exquisite, exciting and unique work they have created here on-site. 

Their passion is tangible and the artisan work shows the incredible skills they have built within their own creative community.   

5th September, join us at 18.00 for the opening night, and enjoy the cornucopia of wares that are for sale, the show will then run until the 3rd October.

Gallery Open Monday to Friday 9.30-17.30 / Saturday 10.00 – 16.00

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Open Studio Members Exhibition
to 3 Oct

Open Studio Members Exhibition

The Art House Pottery ‘Open Studio Members’

The Art House Pottery ‘Open Studio Members’ are exhibiting the exquisite, exciting and unique work they have created here on-site. 

Their passion is tangible and the artisan work shows the incredible skills they have built within their own creative community.   

5th September, join us at 18.00 for the opening night, and enjoy the cornucopia of wares that are for sale, the show will then run until the 3rd October.

Gallery Open Monday to Friday 9.30-17.30 / Saturday 10.00 – 16.00

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Carl Whitehouse Documentary & Travel Photographer
to 21 Sept

Carl Whitehouse Documentary & Travel Photographer

Carl Whitehouse Documentary & Travel Photographer


Opening Night 18.00-20.00 22/08

The Lower Gallery

Open Monday-Friday 10.00-18.00
Saturday 09.30-16.30

Carl Whitehouse’s exhibition at The Art House presents a compelling exploration of the human experience through the discerning lens of an emerging talent in documentary photography. A recent graduate of Sheffield College and Sheffield Hallam University, Carl’s work is marked by a deep empathy and a profound connection to his subjects, allowing him to capture narratives that resonate with both intimacy and universality.

This exhibition represents the culmination of Carl’s extensive travels and his commitment to social documentary photography. His images traverse the themes of cultural identity, social justice, and the quiet beauty found in the everyday, offering viewers a nuanced perspective on the world. Each photograph is carefully composed, balancing technical skill with an innate sensitivity to the stories being told.

Carl’s approach to photography is both reflective and engaging, inviting viewers to step into the moments he has captured and to consider the broader implications of these stories. The exhibition highlights a diverse range of subjects, from the dignity of those who live on society’s fringes to the vibrant, pulsating life of urban landscapes.

This collection challenges us to see beyond the surface and to engage with the deeper narratives that shape our world. Carl Whitehouse’s exhibition is not merely a display of images; it is an invitation to experience the power of photography as a tool for empathy and understanding. For both seasoned admirers of the medium and those newly discovering its potential, this exhibition offers a thought-provoking journey through the lens of a photographer with a unique and compelling vision.

Find him on Instagram.

On Threads.

On Behance.


A collaboration with Open Up Sheffield.

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The Great Summer Exhibition 2
to 31 Aug

The Great Summer Exhibition 2

Now in its second year THE GREAT SUMMER EXHIBITION 2 brings local artists together in various mediums and formats to share their work in our popular City Centre Gallery for the entire month of August.

Opening Night 01/08 18.00-20.00

Open Monday-Friday 10.00-18.00
Saturday 09.30-16.30


Andrea Oates

Collette King

Courtney Kyle

Dean Khair

Godwin Omuya

Frances Green

Georgina April

Helen Frances

Jane Smith

Jennifer Southeran

Jim Dethick

Purgatory Limbo

John Kerr

Jon Cooper

Julian Ainsley

Fruit Casket

Mandy Forrest

Maria Sukhanenko

Myrtle Pritchard

Natalia Egyed

Patricia Lane


Rachel Owen

Adam Ali

Rebecca Whyman

Rosalie Wyatt

Samantha Justice Wheeler

S.K. Jackson

Sarah Alwin

Sheridon Davies

Steve Noël

Sue Taylor

Tilly Cooke

Timothy Ryan

Trevor Fearnley

Yvonne Moorhouse

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Paul Stockley Exhibition
to 17 Aug

Paul Stockley Exhibition

Paul Stockley Exhibition 18/07-17/08 in the Lower Gallery

Opening Night Reception 18.00-20.00 18/07

In collaboration with Open Up Sheffield.

Paul Stockley is a self-taught Sheffield sculptor working in concrete, focusing not only on animals and the human body but also the abstract form.

He specialises in experimenting with the medium with focus on the practical processes as well as the psychological and philosophical creation of art.

For 20 years Paul has enjoyed exploring sculpture, now the huge potential of concrete as a sculptural medium has led him to this his second solo exhibition at The Art House.

He is interested in the psychological and philosophical process of creating art and the potential that it has to enable self-expression and to represent the hidden inner workings of the mind.

Paul is available for commissions as well as having other work within his studio.

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Sheffield Printmakers Exhibition Opening

Sheffield Printmakers Exhibition Opening

Exhibition Opening Night 04/07 18.00-20.00

All are welcome for a drinks reception to celebrate the opening of this exhibition.

Sheffield Printmakers has a broad and inclusive membership encompassing all forms of printmaking with a primary aim to promote printmaking as a creative force in Sheffield and beyond.

The group was set up in 2014 and currently consists of around 32 members spread across Sheffield, South Yorkshire, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. Members are teachers, graduates, self-taught, ex part-time college students and regular workshop members.

The range of work is extraordinary and displays a high level of creativity, professionalism and technical expertise. Members work with a wide range of techniques including lino printing, collagraph, etching, mono-type and intaglio. Some members work with editions of prints, others produce one-off pieces which may include other mixed media techniques and some explore print on 3D forms.

The group and it's individual members have an extensive exhibiting history, both locally and nationally.

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Sheffield Printmakers Exhibition
to 27 Jul

Sheffield Printmakers Exhibition

Exhibition Opening Night 04/07 18.00-20.00

Sheffield Printmakers has a broad and inclusive membership encompassing all forms of printmaking with a primary aim to promote printmaking as a creative force in Sheffield and beyond.

The group was set up in 2014 and currently consists of around 32 members spread across Sheffield, South Yorkshire, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. Members are teachers, graduates, self-taught, ex part-time college students and regular workshop members.

The range of work is extraordinary and displays a high level of creativity, professionalism and technical expertise. Members work with a wide range of techniques including lino printing, collagraph, etching, mono-type and intaglio. Some members work with editions of prints, others produce one-off pieces which may include other mixed media techniques and some explore print on 3D forms.

The group and it's individual members have an extensive exhibiting history, both locally and nationally.

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Trevor Fearnley Exhibition
to 13 Jul

Trevor Fearnley Exhibition

Open Monday-Friday 10.00-17.30 and Saturdays 9.30-16.30

These fascinating, fun, and provoking works are a delight to behold.

This exhibition is part of our year-long collaboration with Open Up Sheffield who support many of the incredibility talented artists and makers in our city.

List of works on display:


  1. “Let’s Dance “ the crab dance. £400
    Birch ply, aluminium wire. March 23

  2. “In at the deep end” tripeg fish. £375
    Birch ply, aluminium wire. Aug 23

  3. “That deadly kiss” scorpio. £195
    Birch ply, aluminium wire, ash legs. Feb 23

  4. “Say aRrrr” robot. £750
    Processed from 2 larch sleepers. Feb 24

  5. “The Spirit of Anubis, a modified goD”. £450
    Processed from a 60cm square off cut piece of hardwood kitchen work top.
    Sep 23 

Sculptural wall pieces.

  1. “Let’s build a rocket boys “ Pegs in space. £275
    Birch ply, aluminium wire, Feb 23

  2. “When the Pieces refuse to fit” dementia. £475
    Birch ply, aluminium wire. April 23

  3. “The Ascension of Peg “ NFS
    The first piece in this style. Birch ply, aluminium wire. Nov 22

  4. “Leonardo da vinscales” libra. £150
    Birch ply, aluminium wire, May 23

  5. “3 is a crowd”. £150
    Birch ply, aluminium wire.
    Sculptural trial piece from one of many doodles/sketches. Nov 23

About Trevor Fearnley:

I work predominantly in wood and ply.

My sculptures aim to provoke a sense of humour and imagination, are intriguing and sometimes quite complex in their build and design.

I have a degree in fine art, sculpture. I have only in the past 3 years began creating my own works.

I am interested in the idea of chaos and symmetry to produce intriguing thought provoking forms.

My early work was based on the shape of a wooden clothes peg but manipulating this shape into common images and using puns or word play to add a sense of humour to each piece.

Recently I have combined this idea with a simple jigsaw shape that I use as building blocks to create familiar objects, mainly animals but with a twist.I call these building blocks “Jigpegs”, each one is an individual character, a piece of DNA or a kind of hieroglyphic symbol/image that creates the final shape.

It’s all a work in process a never ending development and general interest in shapes and how they can evoke images and emotions.

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Views of Sheffield - Group Show
to 29 Jun

Views of Sheffield - Group Show

This open exhibition features local artists in a variety of disciplines.

Monday-Friday 10.00-17.30
Saturday 09.30-16.00

The Gallery can be accessed by arrangement on weekday evenings. Call in and speak to reception.

Preview Evening: 18.30-20.30 06/06. All are welcome for a drinks reception and to meet the artists.

Find a small preview of the works below:

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Pottery Wellbeing Group Show – Open Up 2024
to 25 May

Pottery Wellbeing Group Show – Open Up 2024

The Art House Pottery Wellbeing Group has created an exhibition that captures their creative spirit and shows the range and diversity of their work.

As part of ‘Open Up’ which celebrates and promotes artists around Sheffield this show delivers the passion of the participants and promotes the power of art.

This exhibition is part of ‘Open Up 2024’ which The Art House is sponsoring. Come along to the opening night on 3rd of May at 18.00.

The Exhibition will run from 4th May – 25th May.

Gallery Open Monday to Friday 9.30-17.30 / Saturday 10.00 – 16.00 / On Sunday 5th 11.00 – 16.00

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Pottery Wellbeing Group Show Opening Night – Open Up 2024

Pottery Wellbeing Group Show Opening Night – Open Up 2024

The Art House Pottery Wellbeing Group has created an exhibition that captures their creative spirit and shows the range and diversity of their work.

As part of ‘Open Up’ which celebrates and promotes artists around Sheffield this show delivers the passion of the participants and promotes the power of art.

This exhibition is part of ‘Open Up 2024’ which The Art House is sponsoring. Come along to the opening night on 3rd of May at 18.00.

The Exhibition will run from 4th May – 25th May.

Gallery Open Monday to Friday 9.30-17.30 / Saturday 10.00 – 16.00 / On Sunday 5th 11.00 – 16.00

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Yuen Cheung Lau, John Exhibition
to 30 Apr

Yuen Cheung Lau, John Exhibition

The Art House is pleased to present the evoking artwork of Yuen Cheung Lau whose work capturing the city’s landscapes makes you look at places you know in a new light. 

Join us on the 18th March for the Opening Night to meet the artist and have the opportunity to understand more about his wonderful work.

The Exhibition will run from 19th – 30th April.

Gallery Open Monday to Friday 9.30-17.30 / Saturday 10.00 – 16.00

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James Prescott Exhibition
to 13 Apr

James Prescott Exhibition

The Art House is handing over the Main Gallery to James Prescott where he will be creating a piece of art directly onto the Gallery wall alongside frame work that’s for sale.

Opening Night All Welcome 14th March

The Exhibition will run from 15th March – 13th April.

Live art dates;
March 7th
March 8th
March 9th
March 11th

Gallery Open Monday to Friday 9.30-17.30 / Saturday 10.00 – 16.00

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Hannah Lock 'Dreaming of Spring' Exhibition
to 3 Apr

Hannah Lock 'Dreaming of Spring' Exhibition

Dreaming of Spring

Opening Hours: Monday-Friday 10.00-17.00, Saturday 10.00-16.00

The exhibition is a cumulation of my work upon graduating the Cambridge School of Art, to the present date. With a breadth of different work within, from work focusing on nature, wildlife, to people and children's book illustration. 

About Hannah Lock:

I'm a freelance illustrator from Huddersfied, West Yorkshire, and currently reside between Sheffield and Huddersfield. I studied my foundation at Leeds College of Art, and went onto the Cambridge School of Art for my Illustration BA. I work traditionally with coloured pencils. I love ecstatic, bright colours, and bold textures, and take a lot of inspiration from nature and wildlife. I've previously worked with clients such as the New York Times, the Bronte Parsonage Museum, Texas Observer, Mother Jones and others.

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Hannah Lock 'Dreaming of Spring' Opening Night

Hannah Lock 'Dreaming of Spring' Opening Night

Dreaming of Spring Opening Night

Join Hannah as she introduces her exhibition in the Lower Gallery at The Art House. Free entry.

The exhibition is a cumulation of my work upon graduating the Cambridge School of Art, to the present date. With a breadth of different work within, from work focusing on nature, wildlife, to people and children's book illustration. 

About Hannah Lock:

I'm a freelance illustrator from Huddersfied, West Yorkshire, and currently reside between Sheffield and Huddersfield. I studied my foundation at Leeds College of Art, and went onto the Cambridge School of Art for my Illustration BA. I work traditionally with coloured pencils. I love ecstatic, bright colours, and bold textures, and take a lot of inspiration from nature and wildlife. I've previously worked with clients such as the New York Times, the Bronte Parsonage Museum, Texas Observer, Mother Jones and others.

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James Prescott Live Art
to 11 Mar

James Prescott Live Art

Come see James at work live between March 7th and the 11th

The Art House is handing over the Main Gallery to James Prescott where he will be creating a piece of art directly onto the Gallery wall alongside frame work that’s for sale.

Gallery Open Monday to Friday 9.30-17.30 / Saturday 10.00 – 16.00

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Discussion: Intersecting Narrative: Art, Identity, and the ESEA Experience in Sheffield

Discussion: Intersecting Narrative: Art, Identity, and the ESEA Experience in Sheffield

Dr. Panni Loh will chair the discussion with Dr. K.T. Wong, East Asia Studies, Sheffield University & Sheffield based artist Clara Cheung

The discussion will consider the concept of home and belonging within the East Asian diaspora in Britain through personal experience. How does art and scholarship shape these narratives.

September is the British East South-East Asian heritage month and is celebrated for the first time in Sheffield with the exhibition of art stories-paintings, story flashes, poems, video and sound track. This discussion takes place within the gallery space of the 'Journeys from the East to Sheffield' exhibition.


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