Pottery Courses & Workshops
We have a range of Courses and Workshops delivered by our experienced team.
Please scroll below to find what you want.
Not sure where to start? Take a look at our Friday Night and Saturday Daytime workshops. They’re just perfect for beginners!
Once you have gained confidence through one of our Courses or Workshops you can join our ‘Open Studio Membership’ scheme which gives you access to our Pottery Studios with support from our pottery team. Become a member of a growing, thriving and experienced community of potters
Session Times
Monday 14.00-16.30 / 18.00-20.30
Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday: 10.00-12.30 / 14.00-16.30 / 18.00-20.30
Friday: 10.00-12.30 / 14.00-16.30/ 18.00-20.30
Membership Fees
2.5 hours per week - £60 per month
5 hours per week - £96 per month
7.5 hours per week - £120 per month
To find out what sessions are available to book please email info@arthousesheffield.co.uk
See more upcoming Courses and Workshops by clicking ‘MORE TIMES >’ or ‘>’ on a Mobile Device